Company Profiles and Industry Reports
Browse in-depth company profiles and industry reports with the best intelligence available through LexisNexis® services. Choose the snapshot subscription for at-a-glance U.S. and global company profiles. Opt for the complete subscription to receive snapshot information plus five in-depth reports.
Flexible Search Capabilities
Search a company by name, ticker symbol or D-U-N-S® number. You can restrict your search by company type, city, state/province or country. With Company Dossier, you can pull together crucial company information, including critical business news, competitive intelligence and targeted market data.
Key Business Financials
Get and review data on a company’s balance sheets, income statements, earnings projections and ratio analyses in tables that integrate with Microsoft® Excel®.
Premium Business Intelligence Sources
Find company overviews with addresses, financials, competitors, family trees, brands, executives and more from Dun & Bradstreet®, Hoover’s®, Standard & Poor’s, SunGard PowerData, Creditreform, Directory of Corporate Affiliations™ family tree, SEC filings and dozens of other profile sources.
Prospecting Sources
Develop customized prospect lists based on criteria you specify. With Company Dossier, you can easily conduct research on top prospects, their business needs and their key decision makers. Research possible mergers and acquisitions or joint venture prospects with comprehensive industry information.
Company Profiles and Industry Reports
Browse in-depth company profiles and industry reports with the best intelligence available through LexisNexis® services. Choose the snapshot subscription for at-a-glance Hong Kong, PRC, Asia Pacific, U.S. and global company profiles. Opt for the complete subscription to receive snapshot information plus five in-depth reports.
Flexible Search Capabilities
Search a company by name, ticker symbol or D-U-N-S® number. You can restrict your search by company type, city, state/province or country. With Company Dossier, you can pull together crucial company information, including critical business news, legal, legislative, and IP information plus the broadest set of news sources. users can gather targeted leads more quickly with tools that help them easily access comprehensive company and news sources. With the competitive intelligence and targeted market data,users can be assure that they’ll have the best insights about the companies they research
Key Business Financials
Get and review data on a company’s balance sheets, income statements, earnings projections and ratio analyses in tables that integrate with Microsoft® Excel®.
Premium Business Intelligence Sources
Find company overviews with addresses, financials, competitors, family trees, brands, executives and more from Dun & Bradstreet®, Hoover’s®, Standard & Poor’s, SunGard PowerData, Creditreform, Directory of Corporate Affiliations™ family tree, SEC filings and dozens of other profile sources.
Get desired results (lists or profiles) on the first try with more search/screening criteria provided up front, so they can quickly get what they need without having to continuously filter down.
Prospecting Sources
Identify prospects by building company lists and executive lists using several different criteria (geography, revenues, industries, etc.) and get email addresses and direct phone lines. With Company Dossier, you can easily conduct research on top prospects, their business needs and their key decision makers. Research possible mergers and acquisitions or joint venture prospects with comprehensive companies and industries intelligence.
LexisNexis Dossier business intelligence suite features an easy-to-navigate interface and robust platform designed to help users speed through their most complex queries. Plus the enhanced full-text search functionality allows users to generate company and executive lists with even greater precision. Enhanced content access for company and industry snapshots ensures that users have up-to-date news and industry reports. Users can quickly access vital facts about existing and prospective customers, business partners, vendors, competitors and industries – and make critical business decisions with confidence.
NEW! Executive Lists – LexisNexis Dossier content will now include Jigsaw on executive lists by providing executive email addresses and direct phone line information.
NEW! Links to NetProspex contacts – Users will now be able to link out to a list of NetProspex contacts for a company from the executive section of the company profile.